Saturday 23 April 2011

We all have our secret desires

Shark, Squirrel and Tiger have been asking for months for this experience. So today I let them have it. Aerial Extreme, Willen Lake. (Satisfying.)

Of course I am motivated not by the education or socialisation on offer, but by self-interest.

While the offspring are twenty foot up, and cannot do or say anything to stop me, I run off to the big city. Sue the make up lady peers at my face and nods, consolingly, then sells me some mascara.

Completely bewitched and in thrall to the solutions for premature aging offered confidently by a woman with neat hair, a label, and a tub of white stuff that looks like PVA, I make an appointment to be completely done over and lose ten years.

(Shut up. Let me keep my fantasies intact. I know them for what they are. I have worked hard to get them, they are mine, and I don't want anyone robbing them from me now.)


Angela said...

Wrinkles make us much more interesting! Camus said, From a certain age on everyone is responsible for his own face. Does that not sound good? I`m sure I`d like yours!

Gweipo said...

do you colour your hair? Sorry if that's inappropriate, but I have a fantasy of going grey gracefully but with such young pups it looks like of weird...
(not that I'm THAT grey, but a little, that I highlight away)

Grit said...

hi Angela! of course i have a fantastic face. i have truly earned it!

yes, gweipo! but strangely, only in england. in hong kong i reverted to grey streaks a la cruella de ville and simultaneously i note became miserable. in england, i am glossy brunette and feel 100% happier. but is that the hair colour or the sight of queen anne's lace and blossoming hedgerows? hmmm, not entirely sure...