Friday 27 July 2012

Lodho Joue à Tom Waits

HesFes is over for another year! Book us in for 2013. It's the only week I can take off duty.

But it's time to return to the party life that is home education chez Grit! Of course we have an appointment with the bizarre arts. This evening, with L'Orchestre d'Hommes-Orchestres.

You'd almost think they were British, this lot, with their uncanny ability to simultaneously celebrate and undermine.

They're not, they're Canadian. Along with the New Cackle Sisters, gloriously exploring the music of Tom Waits.

The gritlets are a little bemused. Unsure what to make of the tea cups, wine corks, chocolate bar, golf club and crash helmet.

I loved every second. Perfectly suited to this niche market of experimental music theatre, in homage I might now declare myself Canadian, so long as Canadians are welcome at HesFes.

But now I must drag the tent out the car. The festival pop-up tent that I can't pop down, so must drive with a popped-up tent squashed painfully into the boot, obscuring my windows.

Meanwhile, as I undergo trial by tent, I leave you to amuse yourself with Lodho. Interview. Review. Youtube.

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