Saturday 30 March 2013

Deutsche Bank sees us alright

Forget what I said about the banks. Deutsche Bank is alright, isn't it? Apart from er, being a thieving bank and all. It is, on the other hand, splashing the cash by funding kid-friendly projects in my education world, particularly the very fine version of Romeo and Juliet that we see today at Shakespeare's Globe. I have to thank them for that, right? And the fact that this excellent performance was totally free to me, the little Grits, and a theatre audience filled with friends, being a demonstration of the Globe's educational programme, so cheers, Deutsche Bank, you bunch of arrogant thieves carrying a loveheart for Shakespeare. What you need to do now is pay for Romeo and Juliet to tour out of London and countrywide, pay outright for next year's education programme at the Globe, and give anyone who asks free season tickets to Globe land, for ever. I think that might just see us straight.

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